Ralph's Priorities

We need to ensure the new provincial curriculum:
Is age and developmentally appropriate
Fosters a passion for learning
Respects diversity and history
Is inclusive for all
Is centered on student needs for today and in the future
Is contemporary and focuses on critical thinking skills
Is engaging and student-centered

Safe and Caring Schools
We need to ensure:
Covid 19 protocols remain in place until safety threats are reduced
Funds are available to support gaps in learning from loss of teacher/student face-to-face interactions during the 2020-21 school year
Mental health supports are in place to support student success
Work toward successful wrap-around services with other agencies is ongoing
Strong and effective policy and administrative procedures regarding harassment, bullying and racism are in place and being followed

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
We need to ensure:
Inclusivity, equity and support for all individual differences, races, genders and sexual orientations
More students meet developmental milestones prior to entering grade 1, and students are successful readers by the time they complete grade 3. Early Learning Interventions are key to student success in future years
Equitable access for all students, no matter where in the Division they reside

We need to ensure:
Fiscal responsibility with available funds, by directing as many dollars as possible out to schools and classrooms
Teachers have the resources they require to present engaging activities for students, that meet provincial outcomes and expectations
Governments are lobbied for increased funding, particularly in the areas of student enrolment growth, specialized learning supports, program unit funding, transportation and infrastructure
New schools and/or modernizations for community schools are advocated for, and that available funds keep current facilities in excellent condition and working order
Specialized Learning Supports receives increased provincial funding to meet the needs of students requiring intervention, individualized supports, occupational therapy services, speech-language pathology services, psychological assessment, counselling, vision supports, hearing supports, etc.

Evidence-based Decisions and Red-tape Reduction
We need to ensure:
All decisions regarding programs, procedures or policies, are based on the best available and current facts, research and evidence
Red-tape is reduced in the decision-making process, so that resources are not wasted on internal policy or procedure, but rather, directed toward student success